Basic principles
WALDLEBEN acts on the soil and is taken up by the plant via its roots, saturated bark or sprayed branches and leaves.
Ideally WALDLEBEN should be applied to the entire plant in diluted form. The soil is supplied by the product running off the plant. Application details, especially for larger trees or purely for soil conditioning purposes, are given in the table below.
Plants (Examples) |
Type of application |
Dosage for reinvigoration for greater vitality, better flowering and fruit yield |
Dosage for curing existing damage or treating parasite infestation (fungi / insects) |
Deciduous trees and conifers |
Apply to trunk to maximum height that can be reached. |
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 2 parts
Application quantity: 1 l WL per 5 cm trunk-Ø
Apply undiluted
Application quantity: 1 l WL per 2 cm trunk-Ø
Shrubs, roses, flowers, bushes, hedges,
smaller trees, Bonsai
Spray the entire plant from the flower to the soil, also wet under- side of leaves. |
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 10 parts
Application quantity: 1 l WL per 6 m² bed area
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 5 parts
Application quantity: 1 l WL per 3 m² bed area
Soil improvement, replanting |
Add to irrigation water. |
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 10 parts |
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 5 parts |
House plants, hydroponics |
Add to watering supply at regular intervals. |
Dilute before applying: 1 part WL + 30 parts = 2 tablespoons WL to 1 l
Treatment as for shrubs and roses. Leave house plants outdoors overnight due to odour. |
WL = WALDLEBEN, = Wasser
WALDLEBEN should preferably be administered using a spray or alternatively a watering can.
Dry soil should be loosened and watered prior to treatment.
WALDLEBEN should drain away in the root area. Small dams around the trunk prevent the solution from flowing away.
When applying to tree trunks, the trunk should first be given a preparatory wetting with WALDLEBEN. This opens the pores and helps the bark to absorb the product better. The actual application should then be administered approx. 10 minutes later.
Contaminated bark or bark covered with moss should be cleaned prior to treatment using a brush soaked in WALDLEBEN.
WALDLEBEN can be used all year round except in frost conditions.
Allgemeine Hinweise:
WALDLEBEN ist kühl und nicht in der prallen Sonne zu lagern.
WALDLEBEN hat den typischen Geruch essenzieller Aminosäuren. Der Geruch vergeht nach der Anwendung schnell.
WALDLEBEN ist nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr geeignet.
WALDLEBEN soll innerhalb eines Jahres verbraucht werden.
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Date: 13.08.2007